"AM Vintage" online shopping experience offers a wide selection of affordable, good quality vintage clothing and accessories, displayed clearly and simply yet with detailed and accurate descriptions. This can provide that coveted vintage piece without the hassle of having to rummage through rail after rail .
All the vintage clothing is handpicked with care for its style, wearability and quality with each item being totally unique. We ensure that our carefully selected ranges of dresses, trousers, jackets and many more are inspired by and reflect current trends hot off the catwalk whilst still maintainingthe one off allure of vintage pieces.
As well as vintage being one of the best ways to recycle it has over the last 10 years grown into one of the hottest trends in fashion. You can see celebrities such as Alexa Chung, Sienna Miller and Paloma Faith championing the vintage look to highlight their personalities and individuality.
As many designer collections are inspired by past eras and decades it is this kind of clever fashion investmentbuying that will propel the vintage wearer ahead of the fashion pack.
Discover more at amvintage.com